Breaking up with Lash Extensions.. and when or why you may need to do it…

Do I need to take regular breaks from Lash Extensions?

We assess this on a case by case basis. Long-term wearers of volume lash extensions do need to be careful, especially when it comes to the condition of your natural lashes. We do our best to keep our clients’ natural lashes strong and healthy by ensuring that we monitor your lash health and reduce length and weight where needed. Obviously if you are constantly requesting really voluminous lashes - at some point we may recommend you take a break to give your natural lashes a full cycle without any weight.

When should I take a break and How long for?

We know you love having your lashes on and deciding to get them removed can be hard, but we sometimes may need to do so to ensure your natural lashes stay healthy.

We recommend that you have a short break of 1-2 months from eyelash extensions at least once a year to allow the eyelid line to be thoroughly cleansed after the months of make-up build-up and bacteria, and also for the natural lashes to grow and thicken.

How we at BLC can avoid natural lash damage and weakening!

Here at Beaches Lash Co. - Lash health is one of our top priorities, our therapists have seen awful damage to clients eyes coming from other salons either from poor application, incorrect weight and length distribution or simply not taking breaks from extensions and these issues can take months or even years to repair. We make sure the we are measuring lengths and tailoring volume to each of our clients’ eyes individually. This ensures that the natural lashes can support the extensions we apply whilst also keeping our clients desired look in mind. We take our time with each service and make sure we are always using the best quality products. Lash Extensions are not a One Size Fits All.

But w

hat if I don’t want to take a break?

At Beaches Lash Co we care about the ongoing health of your natural lashes and will only lash healthy lashes. If they are damaged and need a break, then we will encourage you to opt for a removal rather than an infill.

What products can I use to help?

To boost growth and strengthen your natural lashes while having your lash break or even whilst your getting extensions we recommend a Lash Growth Serums. At BLC we have tried and tested many growth serums and UK LASH seems to have the best results! UKLASH Lash Growth Serum is an enhancer that helps grow, nourish & repair your lashes. This leaves them looking longer, thicker & fuller in as little as 3 weeks with full results in 12 weeks.

Some of our clients also opt for a lash tint after getting their lashes removed to give that mascara look!


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